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Models / Christine Alexis
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Christine Alexis Updates

Christine Alexis 01446

Christine Alexis
Newbie Christine Alexis is a smoking little number from the southwest that is jumping into the porn business with whole hearted enthusiasm. If she's not...

226.08 M

Christine Alexis 01445

Christine Alexis
Christine Alexis was a member of her high school's Itty Bitty Titty Comittee and all the boys teased her endlessly. Now she's doing porn and doing all...

49 Pics
15.29 M

Christine Alexis 01446

Christine Alexis
If you like em young and nasty, Christine Alexis is the girl for you. This little spitfire was counting the days until she was old enough to do porn legally...

61 Pics
19.51 M
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